Thursday, November 13, 2008
When there is sunshine, the glow-worms will never come out.
The spiritual realm is full of even more variety than the material realm
Krsna is God in his highest and most lovable form- as Krsna, he's not judging, creating, making rules, just engaging in loving pastimes with his devotees.
He who owns everything, with no reason to want anything more, is the most respectful when it comes to our independence, and the most grateful when we simply offer a leaf, flower, fruit or water.
What we think we know in this body is a mustard seed compared to what we actually know in our true forms.
Material life is futile, it comes to an end, and is temporary- just when you're ready to truly enjoy it, its old or gone.
we guard our credit cards better than ourselves,
in the material world, its all a bit of history repeating- same script different cast, or same cast, same script, different costumes
birth is harder than death. Birth takes months and days and hours, death takes a moment.
as the sun rises and sets another day is gone and cannot be regained, except for one on the transcendental plane
etc etc etc
Keep the Krsna sun always shining and the darkness of illusion will never come to you.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And yet others say that You appeared to rejuvenate the devotional service of hearing, remembering, worshiping and so on in order that the conditioned souls suffering from material pangs might take advantage and gain liberation. - Queen Kunti
I just arrived at Murari Sevaka, our farm in Tennessee and as we drove along the way from the airport to the farm the marvel of fall can only pull the sentiments out of a hard heart like mine. Clouds rarely pass over this place, and the sun lights every color with vibrancy. The temple is warm and cozy and the saffron- colored walls at once invites one to pause awhile in front of the altar and appreciate the dazzling effulgent Lords Nitai and Gauracandra. Last night was a hard to sleep one- every star was out! This morning meditation as done with the sound of firewood cracking in the fireplace, cymbals chiming and Mrdanga drum rhyming.
I believe this is what nature intends to give to us along with the gift of a human form. But how we appreciate and reciprocate is up to us. For the farm, its abundance in natural beauty is also highlighted with the harvest of fruit and vegetables this year. Less than half an acre was used to plant cabbage, broccoli, eggplants, tomatoes and peppers. Today after giving so much away, we're still left with four huge boxes (you can fit two microwaves into these boxes) of apples. Then there's about three big Hare Krishna size (we cook for many a lot) silver bowls of tomatoes, three medium silver bowls of peppers ranging from hottest to green bells. I see eggplants too. Of course nothing can grow without the help of other "natural" inhabitants. There weren't enough broccoli or cabbage because we had visitors- groundhogs! The deer couldn't take part in it because there was a fence this time to save the vegetables from previous year's deer dinner parties.
Now, think about all that can be made- pickles, salsas, dehydrated (which I'm doing as I write) stuff, and applesauce. Yum! Oh and did I mention somewhere in a previous blog about the fresh milk? Yup, we get milk fresh from the cows at the Amish farm.
So then my question is why would any sane person exploit nature who produces and provides all this- on less than half an acre of land?! This is Krsna's actual plan for those who wish to understand the value of human life. All is provided for, live simple and peacefully and think highly, high about our next and hopefully final destination, the Spiritual world.
So as the verse above mentioned, the main thing to do in the human form is to hear about, remember and worship the Supreme Lord who is directing the provision of all these gifts. Imagine how much more can be had. But no, one might say, I'm young, the city calls, university calls with thousands of college "chicks" to pick from. I can now join the commuters in my own motor casket and wait for that danger which is apparently at every step. And who says I'm stressed? i just like cigarettes, they make me look cool eh? So just mind your business and I'll mind mine. Every thing's Jim cracking dandy! (I'm loosing my mind, hungry, tired, anxious and insecure, who could ask for anything more?)
But sweet dreams ARE made of this- simple living- high thinking, starry nights and dehydrators, valleys and firewood all these things WILL do you good. And no, you don't have to be like me, just live like me :) You're welcome to.