Saturday, May 30, 2009

What We Do 2

Bhakta Dustin's Birthday cookies and cream, Frisbee after long book distribution, and the every evening hang out with amazinig people deriving great satisfaction and bliss from enlightening one another and conversing about Krishna consciousness and life

In the association of devotees the concept of Nirvesa, loneliness, and Sunyavadi, emptiness seems as possible as getting milk from the tits on the neck of a goat.

What We Do 1

When I hear about how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his associates plundered the storehouse of Love of God, and are distributing the contents to everyone, regardless of cast or creed, I'm reminded of a song my mother taught me back in Africa about sharing and setting an example of sharing that others may try to follow.

Brightly beams Lord Krishna's Mercy

From his lighthouse evermore
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore

Dark the night of sin has settled,

Loud the angry billows roar;

Eager eyes are watching, longing,

For the lights along the shore.

In Halifax, I find many people wanting and eager to understand spiritual life devoid of rigid rules and regulation, but filled with individual voluntary love and devotion. Love means that its not forced; yet in today's world we find religion giving ultimatum to followers- "we're right, follow us or perish." There's definitely more to it than that and we should dare to overstep our boundaries and find out whats going on.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,

In the darkness may be lost.

Let the lower lights be burning!

Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

You may rescue, you may save.

Of course we're not saviors, but we can all beam the love that has been given to us from that storehouse of Love of God

good day.