Imagine, (or just look around and observe) a person in the process of buying a house, a car, a computer; their main concern is the lifetime of said product: how long will it last, how much happiness will I derive from it, what are the specs? Home buyers do termite checks, fire proof test, plumbing, lead poisoning check. Computer lovers look for their requirements, Car buyers look for something as well. People want to invest in something genuine based on information they receive from the authority. Authority gives assurance and faith that the product will fulfill one's desire, and therefore one puts his faith in such authority and purchases the product. The more specific information is, the more one is at ease, or to put it another way, the more one's mind is freed from having to fill in blank spaces.
Now imagine a situation where you went to purchase something say, a car, and the dealer goes into a "don't know, not sure, selling as is, you can't take this car off the lot to test it, maybe, perhaps" rant. A smart buyer would look for something else. ( I should especially know this because I once bought an "as is" car, and after 20 hours, in New Mexico, the car, at a rest stop, rested "as was"). I just wanted something to get me on the road, and being passionate about it, the intelligence didn't kick in.
The Bhagavad gita tells that in this world there is nothing more wonderful as transcendental knowledge which is the fruit of all mysticism, and one who has such knowledge relishes that fruit in due course of time. For both materialists and spiritualists, transcendental knowledge is beneficial. For someone attracted to what the material atmosphere has to offer, Vedic literature like Bhagavad Gita As it is gives detailed information on how a person can live peacefully under certain conditions. This knowledge, when applied properly, will certainly give desired results. For the spiritualist, different stages and processes of self realization is offered, so that at every step in spiritual cultivation, one can also peacefully follow, and see tangible results.
Mental speculation leads to a little more mental speculation, which leads to a little more, and so forth. In such an atmosphere it is very hard to derive deep satisfaction. The mind always wants something more; maybe I should have married her instead, maybe I should have bought that instead, I'm not sure if it'll work, but try it, in theory, this is like this. While watching the news at my brothers house a few weeks ago, the news reporter when asked about a murder trial going on, and what would be the out come responded: " i don't know, but what I can say is maybe...". In this way, I realized, people are always kept on edge. Specificity does not go well in a consumer culture. If things were specific, people would take it and be satisfied. This is not a culture where satisfaction is "guaranteed, or your money back"; and in most cases, when satisfaction is not achieved, you don't get your money back because you threw the product across the room or something. Version 4 of one product comes out and in 6 months, here comes version 5; now watch as consumers abandon their previous versions and rush to various marts, at risks of stampeding over and killing employees of said marts, to fulfill a hole created by the mind- " YOU REALLY NEEEEEDDD THIS! "
So how does one spread a culture of satisfaction in an atmosphere of dissatisfaction? Do you just jump out of the race and move to pleasantville? Do you riot and destroy everything those bad bad people tricked you into? Do you Occupy Earth Street? What to do?
Well, may I suggest looking at where most of the issue started- the mind. take what you have, and from that platform be satisfied. Hear from authorities how to move forward and fulfill your desires. The thing vedic authorities do recommend is giving up the process of mental speculation. Such authorities facilitate not just a good use of your mind and intelligence, but under proper guidance one will blossom as a true individual spirit soul. Ask questions, put the answers into practice, experience the result. Whether your desires are spiritual, material, or you're just the neutral guy in the crowd, the highest authority has given such guides and instructions so that each person can walk away satisfied and assured. Perhaps* we can call it your " one stop specific know it all shop."
I am convinced that this is the heart of the matter- a need to be secure, sure, safe (that over used word), and to fulfill such needs, we have to match it with secure, sure and safe products.
Good morning :)
Now imagine a situation where you went to purchase something say, a car, and the dealer goes into a "don't know, not sure, selling as is, you can't take this car off the lot to test it, maybe, perhaps" rant. A smart buyer would look for something else. ( I should especially know this because I once bought an "as is" car, and after 20 hours, in New Mexico, the car, at a rest stop, rested "as was"). I just wanted something to get me on the road, and being passionate about it, the intelligence didn't kick in.
The Bhagavad gita tells that in this world there is nothing more wonderful as transcendental knowledge which is the fruit of all mysticism, and one who has such knowledge relishes that fruit in due course of time. For both materialists and spiritualists, transcendental knowledge is beneficial. For someone attracted to what the material atmosphere has to offer, Vedic literature like Bhagavad Gita As it is gives detailed information on how a person can live peacefully under certain conditions. This knowledge, when applied properly, will certainly give desired results. For the spiritualist, different stages and processes of self realization is offered, so that at every step in spiritual cultivation, one can also peacefully follow, and see tangible results.
Mental speculation leads to a little more mental speculation, which leads to a little more, and so forth. In such an atmosphere it is very hard to derive deep satisfaction. The mind always wants something more; maybe I should have married her instead, maybe I should have bought that instead, I'm not sure if it'll work, but try it, in theory, this is like this. While watching the news at my brothers house a few weeks ago, the news reporter when asked about a murder trial going on, and what would be the out come responded: " i don't know, but what I can say is maybe...". In this way, I realized, people are always kept on edge. Specificity does not go well in a consumer culture. If things were specific, people would take it and be satisfied. This is not a culture where satisfaction is "guaranteed, or your money back"; and in most cases, when satisfaction is not achieved, you don't get your money back because you threw the product across the room or something. Version 4 of one product comes out and in 6 months, here comes version 5; now watch as consumers abandon their previous versions and rush to various marts, at risks of stampeding over and killing employees of said marts, to fulfill a hole created by the mind- " YOU REALLY NEEEEEDDD THIS! "
So how does one spread a culture of satisfaction in an atmosphere of dissatisfaction? Do you just jump out of the race and move to pleasantville? Do you riot and destroy everything those bad bad people tricked you into? Do you Occupy Earth Street? What to do?
Well, may I suggest looking at where most of the issue started- the mind. take what you have, and from that platform be satisfied. Hear from authorities how to move forward and fulfill your desires. The thing vedic authorities do recommend is giving up the process of mental speculation. Such authorities facilitate not just a good use of your mind and intelligence, but under proper guidance one will blossom as a true individual spirit soul. Ask questions, put the answers into practice, experience the result. Whether your desires are spiritual, material, or you're just the neutral guy in the crowd, the highest authority has given such guides and instructions so that each person can walk away satisfied and assured. Perhaps* we can call it your " one stop specific know it all shop."

Good morning :)