Has anyone seen that movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon"?
It happens to be one of my favorite movies. It deals with a person's faith through trials. That person being the awesome St. Francis of Asisi. If you haven't seen it you may not understand this scene. But try to watch the movie and free yourself of mankind's obsession with original sin.
here's a link to the youtube video, and then the lyrics to the song is below.
(in this part of the movie they just re constructed a post crusade sacred ruined church, and the youth of asisi are attending which in tun pisses the bishop and other members of the church off.)
If you want your dream to be
Take your time, go slowly
Do few things, but do them well
Heartfelt work grows purely
If you want to live life free
Take your time, go slowly
Do few things, but do them well
Heartfelt work grows purely
Day by day, stone by stone
Build your secret slowly
Day by day, you'll grow, too
You'll know heaven's glory
If you want your dream to be
Take your time, go slowly
Small beginnings, greater ends
Heartfelt work grows purely
if you want to live life free
Take your time, go slowly
Do few things, but do them well
Heartfelt joys are holy
So news reaches the pope after so drama, and St. Francis gets to meet the pope who then has this to say:
[Francesco] Simple people understand us, but the others -- perhaps we've made mistakes. This is what we want to know. Is it not possible, Holy Father, to live according to the teachings of our Lord? Or have we sinned through presumption? If that be the case, then we would like Your Holiness to tell us of our errors.
[Pope] My dearest son, errors will be forgiven. In our obsession with original sin, we too often forget original innocence. Don't let that happen to you. You've brought me, dear children, great joy and a little sadness. I, too, started my vocation -- oh, long ago -- in much the sameway as you. But, with time, all that enthusiasm passed, and the responsibility of church government took hold of me, as you see. And what will happen to those who come after you? Have you thought enough about them?
[Francesco] But if it be true for us, then how can it not be true for them?
[Pope] We are encrusted with riches and power. You, in your poverty, put us to shame. Francesco, Francesco, go in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Preach the truth to all men. May your disciples increase a thousandfold, and flourish like the palm tree. Our Lord be with you, in your hands and in your feet.
So we had some thoughtful Christians back then.
1 comment:
I just looked up this movie a couple of days ago, remembering how much I liked that ages ago. it used to be a great inspiration for me.bhakta attila
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