Tuesday, January 13, 2009

AT SECOND GLANCE (free writing)

Although I hate the cold like anything, sometimes mother nature puts on such awesome shows that I can't help but stand outside and marvel.
On my way to the temple one morning I was fortunate to look up and see about three shooting stars; another time on a full moon night tons of deer were playing around in the yard, which was super cool because from where I stood I could see little deer silhouettes running and jumping around the yard. My favorite was two mornings ago when I walked out to go to the temple. I seriously though i was walking upside down!
There was frost everywhere and the place was a bit dark, but the ground was tinkling, reflecting the light from the sky. It was like stars on the floor and stars up above and for a moment I thought someone slipped me happy drugs while I slept.
But all this is Krsna's doing. When I think of the phrase "God is great", I remember these simple things or the amazing people i meet on this spiritual journey. Beauty is everywhere and at anytime, and one just needs to pause awhile:
pause awhile pause awhile
in the humdrum of the city
and behind the cloistered wall
in the early morning
when the shadows start to fall
to see creation bending to the maker o fit all
and all you have to do is pause awhile
(learned that when i was growing up, can't remember where, but still remember it)

If you can get hold of a copy of the Bhagavad- gita and read through he tenth chapter, you'll be amazed how easy it is to remember Krsna- in everything.
Like any artist with his or her specific style and character, Krsna, with but a spark of his splendor pervades this cosmic art show.
Foolish ones may think that all this just popped out of nowhere,
but as a monk, most of my time si spend in deep thought, even while acting.
So here's a thought: apparently it took millions and billions of years for evolution to get us where we are now. OK I respect that. But why then doest it take seconds now, to see a few shooting stars, or moon cycles and seasons? when did everything become so organized? And if its all randomly acting, why should i trust the weatherman?

But the world i see today is one where people aren't allowed to think about whats not set before them as the status quo. Take a few moments and people watch- its like a robot show. Some being hauled off to here or there, others relaxing from the haul, etc. A friend once reminded me that "everyone else except you monks, have to work for their living, you know."
So there's this almost unspoken consensus that monks don't work. OK then, I might say, when was the last time you stood up from being pushed around?
"I'm not pushed around" might be the respond.
Do you get hungry, thirsty, horny, angry?
"these are human, natural human happenings" might come another response.
So then, why do people strive SO hard for happiness? Its also Natural, like other urges. So far in life I've come across no one who looks forward to being unhappy. No one wants to die, no one wants to get old. Are they all now "Natural"
I've come to understand that these are "Natural" for the body;but the embodied, is of a different nature. That nature one can come to understand when one rises above and conquers these other "natural" habits forced upon is due to our present illusory state of being. So whats a monks job?
Learning to rise above these urges, rising above these urges, and then teaching others how to do the same :)
Quite contrary form the world where selfish ism is the norm. Whats mine is mine, and I won't you be as good as I am.
So visit us monks more often and learn ways of old. learn to rise and see the free light and the spirit. learn to be rare.

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