As nature would have it, every important thing in life happens in stages. Unless somewhat handicapped, progress is so natural that we often overlook it (well we seem to over look every natural thing), but by careful observation we can grow both Materially and Spiritually. This light came on a bit earlier today as I took in my daily dose of "The Nectar of Instruction".
I usually do a quick quiz or recap of what I read previously and then perhaps read something again that might have made an impression. In this book, I realize, Srila Prabhupada is giving us a practical guide to a healthy Spiritual life. Here's how I explained it to myself today:
(Conversation with my inner child) (I only teach him, never listen to him, although there were times I wish I had)
Ok, so you're stuck in ignorance, which means your existence is on the animal level- eating, sleeping, mating, fearing. But you inhabit a human form. So in order to get full benefit of that human form, you have to find out what humans do/ are supposed to do beyond those basics. When you come across a book like nectar of instruction, you've come across a guide that teaches you how to crawl comfortably, then stand,then walk then run- all in good company.
Everyone wants to be spiritual, which is the best thing to do in this material realm. But often we try to knock on the heavens door without an invitation to the party. So we meditate, pray, eat vegan food, do hot yoga, shop at that sensual yoga store, sleep in a scented oil room, and walk around with that look on our faces that says "hey, I'm spiritual, you too? Cool, lets hang out!" And the mind goes along with it because it feels good. Feels good, do it. And we live like this for years and eons, body after body, and no deeper understanding of the self. Except that "I'm spiritual, not religious".
So Rupa Goswami welcomes us anyway, and gives us hints on how to go deeper, to a more internal realm. "OK, you're spiritual, but your spiritaul- ness can be like more like awesome if you learn how to like control these few urges like the tongue, your mind, anger urge, you know, stuff like that." Then he tells us what cool things to do, and what not to do " like OK, so, keep it simple, don't eat too much (watch your spiritual figure), don't collect too much stuff ( like NYC and minimalism), only talk abou tlike cool spiritual stuff. Better to hang out with like cool spiritual people, but don't get too cultish and not know why you're like, doing spiritual stuff right?.
But " use your cheerleader skills, be enthusiastic, you're on the best team, play the game steadily, don't hang with the visiting team, watch videos of the previous players and you'll totally be spiritual. Totally!
By now you should be standing, and ready to walk to where he's gonna introduce you to other spiritual people and tell you how to act and be cool around them. Its called, in grown up terms, culture. Then he shows you different levels of spiritaul people and then tells you not to feel weird if all the other spiritual people don't look as cool as you. They're special and you could get kicked out of the spiritual camp for disrespecting them. When you get this all down, then, he tells you about Spirituality.
At which point you're hopefully not a Valley child anymore but have blossomed, or are showing symptoms of blossoming into a full on spiritual person who other spiritual people can take anywhere with them.
In their association you begin to discuss spiritual topics, and develop a desire to go and see the spiritual world.
" Unfortunately", my inner one replied, " I understand, but to actually do it is not so easy. Sounds nice, but not so easy."
"Well", I say, " if at first you don't succeed, get back on your knees, crawl a little bit, then stand again, then take baby steps and avoid tripping over things that made you fall the last time :)
Session's Over
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Aindra Prabhu
Dear Aindra Prabhu,
Please Accept My Most Humble Obeisances
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada
Today I feel empty, no emotions, just numb. But tears are flowing, so I guess a Vaisnava like yourself can penetrate deep- to the soul. I feel like the music died. But Kirtan is forever.
Whenever I arrive in Vrindavan, there are a few things that help me place my foot firmly on the soil of the holy dahm:
1. I take a nap and always wake up to the Vrindavan breeze, I go outside and look at the neem trees and monkeys and parrots.
2. I go to the temple and see Srila Prabhupada, Krishna and Balaram, Radhe Syam and Sri Sri Goura Nitai.
3. I wait for that moment when, as you sing, you look up at me standing there and then you nod your head with a welcome to Vrindavan gesture and smile.
4. I go to bed gratefully, having fufilled all my required entry rituals :)
Who can replace your friendly nod and smile?
My ritual is broken. Who will I bring honey from America for now, who can I suggest to others to bring honey for?
Today I feel empty.
your servant
Jaya Kesava das
Please Accept My Most Humble Obeisances
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada
Today I feel empty, no emotions, just numb. But tears are flowing, so I guess a Vaisnava like yourself can penetrate deep- to the soul. I feel like the music died. But Kirtan is forever.
Whenever I arrive in Vrindavan, there are a few things that help me place my foot firmly on the soil of the holy dahm:
1. I take a nap and always wake up to the Vrindavan breeze, I go outside and look at the neem trees and monkeys and parrots.
2. I go to the temple and see Srila Prabhupada, Krishna and Balaram, Radhe Syam and Sri Sri Goura Nitai.
3. I wait for that moment when, as you sing, you look up at me standing there and then you nod your head with a welcome to Vrindavan gesture and smile.
4. I go to bed gratefully, having fufilled all my required entry rituals :)
Who can replace your friendly nod and smile?
My ritual is broken. Who will I bring honey from America for now, who can I suggest to others to bring honey for?
Today I feel empty.
your servant
Jaya Kesava das
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What a Wonderful World
We took a morning walk along Lake Ontario and these were some thoughts running through my head...
I like beaches, fresh ocean, well, lake air, Wine Bottle from a dark nights rendezvous, McDonald's bags, 1, 2 few, many- all over. Cigarette butts, tissues, newspapers, coffee cups, other things monks shouldn't mention by name, etc.
"This is a place of Pilgrimage you know, Srila Prabhupada walked here in the Summer of 75 when he visited Toronto."
How advanced we've become, few years later. If the Mayans, or the Aryans do come back, what would they think of us? We've redefined ruins. Back then, they left ruins we still flock to see today.
But why, I ask myself? Why?
Well, my self started to say, we've done it to ourselves. We've created a culture of packaging; no matter how significant or insignificant the product, just package it nicely and you'll make money :) :) :)
But I promise you you won't be satisfied with the 3.0 version, so I'll make you a 3.1 version next season. And the package, throw it away- wherever. Caution, its hot, take it for a nice walk along the ocean shore; and when you're done, just throw it somewhere, the Government will clean it up.
So we go on day after day enjoying what we think might be the best drink, smoke, night of our lives, and when we're through, still lacking inner satisfaction, throw the package down.
'Xcuse me sir, I a monk-- " aw shut it, we don't wanna hear that God crap. We want equal rights for everone"
Well, then how about that seagull? you just dropped your cig butt and he thought it was food, so he just dove and chucked it right in. Oh, and that bag you just threw out after emptying your evening snack number 15 carried a nice scent with it, so the cow came and at the bag. Yup. Ate the bag. Now the doctors say lots of cows in Krsna's holy land are suffering from junk, like plastic bags and cups in their stomachs. Sounds cuddly.
But what if you did stop for a minute and looked around and see whats going down? What if you could live more peacefully without all the noise? Maybe in your own little house on the prairie and not in your pigeon hole apartment in the city? How bout that?
So yah, as I walked this morning, my alter ego, super monk wanted to burst out and smash everything and everyone, but deeper inside me is a place that still needs cleaning too, so I'll just keep working on me, working on you working on we :)
I like beaches, fresh ocean, well, lake air, Wine Bottle from a dark nights rendezvous, McDonald's bags, 1, 2 few, many- all over. Cigarette butts, tissues, newspapers, coffee cups, other things monks shouldn't mention by name, etc.
"This is a place of Pilgrimage you know, Srila Prabhupada walked here in the Summer of 75 when he visited Toronto."
How advanced we've become, few years later. If the Mayans, or the Aryans do come back, what would they think of us? We've redefined ruins. Back then, they left ruins we still flock to see today.
But why, I ask myself? Why?
Well, my self started to say, we've done it to ourselves. We've created a culture of packaging; no matter how significant or insignificant the product, just package it nicely and you'll make money :) :) :)

So we go on day after day enjoying what we think might be the best drink, smoke, night of our lives, and when we're through, still lacking inner satisfaction, throw the package down.
'Xcuse me sir, I a monk-- " aw shut it, we don't wanna hear that God crap. We want equal rights for everone"
Well, then how about that seagull? you just dropped your cig butt and he thought it was food, so he just dove and chucked it right in. Oh, and that bag you just threw out after emptying your evening snack number 15 carried a nice scent with it, so the cow came and at the bag. Yup. Ate the bag. Now the doctors say lots of cows in Krsna's holy land are suffering from junk, like plastic bags and cups in their stomachs. Sounds cuddly.
But what if you did stop for a minute and looked around and see whats going down? What if you could live more peacefully without all the noise? Maybe in your own little house on the prairie and not in your pigeon hole apartment in the city? How bout that?
So yah, as I walked this morning, my alter ego, super monk wanted to burst out and smash everything and everyone, but deeper inside me is a place that still needs cleaning too, so I'll just keep working on me, working on you working on we :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Another day in my internal little world.
Today I contemplate the phrase "being convinced that Krsna is there"
Really, that's quite embarrassing for a spirit soul. I mean have we really dug that deep into illusion to now have to ask ourselves does God exist? And then write big big books and articles on it? Especially when you write a book that tells people, go find the answers for yourself, don't listen to anyone but your inner instinct or inner child. Then the first class "idiom", so as not to use the other word, tells you, well this book I read said that you shouldn't listen to anyone and you should go find things out yourself.... contradiction bells ring for me.
You get the picture, don't listen to any one, but listen to me- its called blind leading the blind and you know they're gonna fall into a ditch.
Knowledge comes through an authoritative system, and when applied according to the instructions and culture that system provides, I guarantee you a result; or at least a glimpse of one. Still don't get it, ok- a doctor learns medicine from another doctor, not a lawyer, a mice learns to flee cats and other creatures by watching its parents flee cats and other creatures. So in this world, every species of life learns to carry on a culture by learning from higher authorities. Except God realization- that you have to do yourself, by reading my self help book for only $24.99 wherein I tell you not to listen to me; but too late, you can't get your full money back, so join the cheater race by selling that book to a used book store or at a yard sale.
If a person has a fever, how does he know the pill he just took worked? Well, he followed the label that said take two with water, and after sometime he feels a normal temperature. Or if he's over zealous, and wants to get well immediately, he takes six or ten,which then puts him in another state known as high.
Ok, back to does God exist or not.....
Well, there's a book written by some guy these Hares claim to be an incarnation of God, it has instrucitons on how to understand God, and stay on the platform so that even when you're having the worse or hair days, you're not moved from the truth. Which means the truth must be something you're experiencing, not something you're fantasizing about. Yes bad hair days can be quite draining emotionally and you fell like Rumpelstiltskin instead of prince charming. But you know there's always a comb, a brush or a buzzer somewhere to fix it.
So am I convinced that Krsna is there?
Wouldn't you like to know. Come traveling and giving out this knowledge and see some incidences. Then we'll compare notes.
(thats as far as I got in my mental class today :) )
Today I contemplate the phrase "being convinced that Krsna is there"
Really, that's quite embarrassing for a spirit soul. I mean have we really dug that deep into illusion to now have to ask ourselves does God exist? And then write big big books and articles on it? Especially when you write a book that tells people, go find the answers for yourself, don't listen to anyone but your inner instinct or inner child. Then the first class "idiom", so as not to use the other word, tells you, well this book I read said that you shouldn't listen to anyone and you should go find things out yourself.... contradiction bells ring for me.

Knowledge comes through an authoritative system, and when applied according to the instructions and culture that system provides, I guarantee you a result; or at least a glimpse of one. Still don't get it, ok- a doctor learns medicine from another doctor, not a lawyer, a mice learns to flee cats and other creatures by watching its parents flee cats and other creatures. So in this world, every species of life learns to carry on a culture by learning from higher authorities. Except God realization- that you have to do yourself, by reading my self help book for only $24.99 wherein I tell you not to listen to me; but too late, you can't get your full money back, so join the cheater race by selling that book to a used book store or at a yard sale.
If a person has a fever, how does he know the pill he just took worked? Well, he followed the label that said take two with water, and after sometime he feels a normal temperature. Or if he's over zealous, and wants to get well immediately, he takes six or ten,which then puts him in another state known as high.
Ok, back to does God exist or not.....

So am I convinced that Krsna is there?
Wouldn't you like to know. Come traveling and giving out this knowledge and see some incidences. Then we'll compare notes.
(thats as far as I got in my mental class today :) )
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