On Farming and stuff...
Evert parent wants the best for their child, and for that, they insure them, send them to carefully picked schools, scrutinize their association, worry about them, etc etc. Love is something that forces a person to act on a quality platform. I've even heard that Mother Yashoda has a special breed of cows that are fed special grass for producing the best milk which will be churned into butter for Krsna. So if we think of Krsna as our child, and we want to give him the best, knowing well that giving Krsna the best in any situation will mean, ultimately, the best for us, then we should consider farming and cow protection a means for giving the best to Krsna. This requires contemplation; and contemplation on service to Krsna means contemplation on Krsna. So from a love of God perspective we should have farms. We can learn from those who have proper farms, regardless if they happen to be devotees or not. When we begin to express our care for Krsna in this way, I think we can develop deep affection for Krsna, which also means for Krsna's devotees. Would I rather give Krsna, my son in the form of the deity, fresh milk from the cow, or milk bought from the store; tomatoes, potatoes or whatever fruits and vegetables bought with harmful chemicals sprayed on them, or one picked from the garden? And as far as hard work is concerned, would I rather work hard for eternal purposes, or for temporary needs? Remember, Krsna lives in a village, not in a sky scraper town. Wouldn't it be nice if we can prepare ourselves for life there, by practicing here? OK, you live in the city, and according to your psycho-physical nature you cannot live on a farm; I suggest supporting a farm, or those who wish to develop one. After all isn't it a duty thing for those who hold houses? And you can come on weekends to the beautiful farm, get your vegetables, get a peace of mind from the city, and show the example for those who have similar aspirations.
I overhear and sometimes take part in discussions on the need of developing farm communities so that we can be well sustained in times to come. Mostly the energy in such conversations become tense because most of us don't feel ready to move into that sort of space and change our lifestyles. It takes a lot of work. There's often complaint of it not being practical, or not matching one's nature, or too complicated.
Over the last few weeks, as I prepare a seminar on making new devotees, this topic pops up many times. The reason is not just to feed people and give them a nice place to stay in the country away from the cities, but more on the question of quality. Quality breeds quality. The vedic purpose for samskaras is to produce quality people; quality living, and quality development of one's dormant relationship with Krsna. Regardless of how hard it may be, the quality work we put into something will ensure a quality result.

Not an essay, just a few thoughts in my mind put on paper.
One more thing before I go... Our Spiritual Master asked for it. Isn't it said somewhere, someplace, in some verse, that by satisfying the Spiritual Master, one satisfies Krsna? And who does it benefit? Us. No one but us. So basically we are becoming lackadaisical in our own self realization and growth.
Oh Oh Oh.. and...
It doesn't have to be some huge thing. Start simple, start small. But start.