Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Part of my daily routine is reading one of the many Spiritual Books written and translated by My Spiritual Grandfather Srila Prabhupada. These books are filled with knowledge fo everything and anything. While travelling this summer I was reading a section on Astronomy and the different planetary systems, then later I read about one of my favourite personalities, the great sage Narada. Basically, Narada got this benediction to be able to travel throughout the universes at will and travel he does! He's a monk who appears at very crucial times in people's lives and gives them some spiritual message to speed up Krishna's proceeding pasttimes.

For saintly people, Narada is a blessing, a breath of fresh air, a "just when I need it" kinda person. But for the gross materialists, this blessing in disguise is often not so welcome. Materialists want spiritual enlightenment in the least! Imagine a person trying to blow up a building, (or should you really imagine that), or do something to increase his attachment to the bodily concept of life and in comes this monk who tells you that your plan, although it may work, is temporary and so why waste time on it? Yup! thats the kinda fellow this Narada is. Interested in teh welfare of all beings, he looks beyond their faults and sees their real needs- the need to contact the spiritual realm. So on a few occasions Narada was cursed to never stay in one place very long so that he won't be able to disturb ppl's peace. In his Purport to one of the translated verses, Srila Prabhupada explains how he has been cursed in such a way by the parents of his students for bringing this sublime spiritual science to the western world where parents would rather see their sons and daughters as full fledge sense enjoyers, forgetting their eternal nature as spiritual beings. He accepts the curse but it also hampers him from swiftly translating all the Sanskrit books he needs to translate. He wishes to transfer and distribute this curse to some of his students and grand students who want to continue to "cause trouble"and give people an alternative to the rat race.

WOW I thought, I want to be CURSED! I mean, I like travelling, I love teaching about Krishna conscious philosophy, I like interacting with people. So whaddawewaitingfor?

The I thought, wow, a curse? Who in their right minds wanna be cursed? But then double take, its a blessing to be cursed like this. That means all the Teachers in the line of Narada will be pleased with me and offer all their protection. Ah... lets do it.

So yup, I'm living on a prayer, halfway there!

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