Monday, September 15, 2008


OK, exercise time! Take a deep breath, come on! Deep in, now let it out. wotcha noticed? Anything? OK try again, but this time, count the amount of seconds breathing in, and breathing out. In most cases, its equal amounts; a balance set up by nature herself. All around us these things are happening- in nature that is. So who let the dogs out in human society? Who are these people taking more and more and giving little back? Oh well, landfills I guess. Who let the Hogs out, turning our world from fast food nation to fast food world? Who let the Camels out, eating thorns mixed with their own blood? Oh and lastly, who let the Asses (donkeys) out, working so hard for so little profit?
Can any of us relate to any of these animals? Are our daily lives filled with a search for more gratification and seemingly putting out more energy than necessary? I have a thought or two on that. Human life is not meant to be like what we see out there. Look at civilizations gone before, Aryans, Mayans, and even up to 70 or more years ago; after lasting for so many years did they leave the earth in such a state? Did they leave landfills? Yes a land filled with what we now go back to in documentaries and other things marvel at. This is human civilization. A civilization that leaves garbage and waste for the next generation is no better than that of the animal kingdom. But even he animals are doing better than we are nowadays, no?
So lets begin to work toward positive ends. Plant a garden for starters, walk more, party less, and be outside more. There's a whole lot of amazing things left that we have to explore. Creation is full of variety and we have to seek it out. I promise, its beautiful. It does require some effort tho. Like the good book says, its mo re blessed to give than to receive.
Quality is what we should desire now, quality of life, and animal life doesn't cut it. Quality life comes with great effort and conscious living.
I'll continue this tomorrow, bed time now.
Oh by the way, if you'd like to write something here, like an article or poem, you're welcome to do so. just email me and we'll see about it.

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