Friday, September 12, 2008

Reach Out and Touch Faith

Nope, not your own personal Jesus :)
But something interesting I've noticed during my travels and interaction is the sour fact that lots of people are lonely. While distributing books I find that many ppl put their headphones on, or dark glasses and walk past trying not to notice, or be noticed.
The world gets a little more impersonal each day. We're almost spinning our own silk coccoons as dasy go by.
As a monk my challenge is extending myself as much as possible to people who have sort of a big and bad attitude and walk around with a chip (of no chip) on their shoulders. With so much fear and distrust around us, who can blame anyone for keeping to themselves? But is it our fear fo each other thats killing us?
Hmm, I've waited for this day when I'd start to write this seriously about something. But with a bit of encouragement. We can all be our brother's keepers- one good turn deserves another.
Anyways, life goes on and travels are happening. i only touched the surface of this because I could write for hours about what I've seen and heard.
But that bed time is approaching and sleep is driving a fast car to get to me.
Hare Krishna. Good night

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