Thursday, March 20, 2008


The Morning OfAdd Image

I slept on the roof of the Chowpatty temple under a beautiful 90 percent full moon and so waking up this morning was very hard. I just wanted to lie there staring at the moon. It's Lord Caitanya's birthday, just stare at the moon! But no, Monks have to get up for meditation so I consoled my mind and woke up. My mind is like my own built in wife LOL. It's explained that when Krishna was on the planet, he performed his share of duties like any other human being- except that he's Krishna. He also had to get up for morning meditation and sometimes his queens would be so angry at the dawn for coming so quick. Now Krishna had to get outta bed and not lie next to them all morning. I'm no Krishna, but my mind can relate to them queens sometimes. The meditation was led by His Holiness Radhantath Swami, the spiritual guide for the devotees here in Chowpatty. It was very focused and sweet and many times i wanted to grab my camera but just couldn't leave. also the temple was so packed that if i left my spot i wouldn't get it back.

I found a place in one of the rooftop windows and took pictures for the second half of the morning program, greeting the Dieties. But then I couldn't get a picture of Lord Caitanya, si I'll post one later. By the way the internet in bombay rocks.

Kirtan was led by a visiting spiritual leader His Holiness NIranjana Swami, who visited Krishna lunch a few months back. you can check for pictures of him on the Krishna lunch website also.

the Videos and pictures will speak from here on. I'll be back later with more fun news.

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