Sunday, March 9, 2008

More Monks!

With the Goura Purnima festival approaching many devotees are pouring into Vrindavan. Of course amongs these are senior monks who have been practising for thirty years or more. being in their prescense is very inspiring for me. I long for the day when i can look back and say wow I've done this for thirty years!
This morning's meditation session was led by one such monk Param gati Swami, and the morning lecture was given by Bhaktivijnana Swami. (I'll pay you if you can pronounce that. Test on friday)
He spoke about developing relationships to a point where we live peacefully. He said that there has to be a foundation of awe and reverence for the person and then when that foundation is strong and the person lets you into their world you can have a more intimate relationship with them. Someone asked then that why do we see in some pictures of Krishna, or some stories, that his friends play roughly with him, or jump on his bed to wake him up, or tease him. (yup, you can play jokes on God, but the joke may end up on you:) )
His answer was that because these people are on the top level of understanding God and reverently serving him faithfully, now Krishna trusts that they won't breed contempt from his association.
After the lecture I spent the first of my day shopping for the temple. I wanted to get it all out of my head and then just focus and meditate and serve. So far so Good.


Naturally we all want to be loved, but that joy only comes when our love becomes one with no desire for self pleasure; only pleasure for the beloved. When we can give whole-heartedly without expectations our lives are so sublime!

Again no pictures but I'll uploag them and you all can have a field day. I have pictures of cows and pigs and monkeys and monks and dieties and villages and traffic and real crowded busses and etc and etcccc

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