Tuesday, December 16, 2008


For my next series of blogs I'll tell a story with a moral. People are naturally simple and can grasp great lessons out of simple stories, dramatic performances and folk song. Many indigenous cultures around the world still gather around and hear stories or sing songs that tell of how their ancestors overcame some tribulation or won some prize. As a child my mother would tell us many bedtime traditional stories, and for those who have spent some time with me at monasteries I've stayed at, you know that I may sometime retell a few of those stories.

Like the previous story about the mouse and the sage, we find another mouse and another sage, but this time, with a lesson of satisfaction with whatever little we may possess.
A very renounced sage lived in a cottage by the river with only a water pot and two Kaupins (monk loincloth) to his name. He'd wear one pair of underwear today and wash the previously used one and in this way, he had very little to worry about and enough time for deeper self realization. As time went by he began to notice that a mouse had been gnawing on his hanging kaupin and was creating tiny holes in it. To protect his underwear from further damage by the mouse he decided to get a cat. So a neighbor happily gave him a cat and the mouse was never seen again.
But the cat came with all its requirements- it needed milk.

So he got another gift, a cow, who needed to be milked and cared for.

"I need a wife to help me do all this", he thought.

So came the wife, a beautiful lass from the village. the cow was daily cared for and milked, the cat was fed, the rat refused to come and bother the kaupin, which had been thrown away and a new wardrobe replaced it, just to please his wife.

Now the wife had her needs; a nice house, kids, and other things that would make them seem like a normal family and avoid bad talk from the neighbors.

As the struggle began to fulfil all these desires-desires of others, the sage began to reflect: " I was happy in that hut until that mouse came along, and just to save my stupid underwear I now have everything else but the underwear".


Again, there's so much to be learned from this story, but for me the most important is to be satisfied with whatever little one may have. The bigger the need, the bigger the problem. In this realm of matter where we struggle to exist, there will always be some difficulty. Either your mind will give you trouble, other living entities like tiny mosquitoes or mice will give trouble, or mother nature herself in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis, to name a few.

Bhagavad Gita explains that true knowledge means to recognize these issues and then rise above them to a higher platform. From that higher platform called Brahma Bhuta, one can truly experience real spiritual bliss. The first experience on this platform is called prasanatma- transcendental happiness or spiritual satisfaction. Once satisfied then na socati na kanksati- no hankering for mundane things and no lamentation over the loss of mundane things. Next the satisfied spiritualist begins to see things with an equal vision- he begins to see the true spiritual nature behind everything, and the reason everything in this material world is so placed. At that time, mad bhaktim labhate param- he begins to perform only spiritual activities meant for the benefit of not just himself, but every living being.

Spiritual life teaches us to be satisfied and accept whatever our lot may be.

Material life means always hankering for things, not being fulfilled by those things and then hankering for more. But if we look at history, its hard to find a person living a life dedicated to satisfying the senses who can honestly admit actual satisfaction with what they have. Things can always be better; the grass is always greener on the other side.

But why do we hanker? Whats the root cause?
The Vedic knowledge tells us that the reason we look for satisfaction or happiness is not some abnormal thing- we're by nature pleasure seeking entities. The only problem is that we're seeking lasting pleasure or satisfaction from that which by nature cannot give it. Our very existence as eternal spiritual beings is now in an atmosphere of non-existence.
Krishna consciousness is the process by which we can find out about our real nature, experience that nature, and stay on that platform!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


After some time of writer's block syndrome a student from the University of Tennessee suggested that I write about the United States hegemony. I had never before heard such a word, so i inquired from him and was enlightened. Hegemony deals with one nation as world power and others bowing down before them and surrendering all the goods (my definition). Michael wanted to hear from a monk's point of view so what follows is a humble attempt to shed some light from the Vedic point of view.
A mouse once approached a saintly person and implored his help complaining that a cat was hunting him down.
"What can I do for you, young mouse?"
"Make me a cat."
"So be it."
The new cat happily left, never to be bothered by another cat ever again until...
"What can I do for you this time, dear cat", the sage inquired.
"Dogs! Dogs are chasing me."
"Well, I'll help in whatever way I can."
"I- ... want to be a dog."
"OK, that's easy. So be it."
Young Mr. Dog happily barked and ran back to town to fearlessly face those other dogs.
No sooner had he left, and the sage started his meditation, the dog hurried back with breathless speed.
"A tiger is chasing after me. Make me a tiger and no one will ever hunt me down again!"
"Sure", said the sage and with a wave of his hand, the dog transformed into a huge tiger, stronger than any other. But this time the tiger wouldn't leave. He stared hungrily at the sage.
"So, you want to eat me?"
"y..e..s", came the licking reply.
The angry sage then roared back a the tiger, "Again become a mouse!"
(This Monk's Purport)
This little story from the niti sastras (moral stories), clearly shows nature of man in his greed feature. America, as well as many other empires started with simple missions- form a country based on religious principles. "In God We Trust" and "Allah is greatest" became the fuel for their fire. The mouse-like pilgrims, having escaped oppression from waning tiger-dog-cat-like empires found greener pastures and gradually rose to their own power levels. Now with tiger strength, and a greater appetite for sense gratification, these once mice creatures try desperately to kill God , but keep his blessings to become tigers.
In their intoxicated state, they promote the slaughter or the animals they were given dominion over, degrade and continue to abuse and disrespect women and children and as they fight to conquer more and more land, those subordinate to them suffer the most. Any simpleton can predict the outcome of such actions, for history repeats itself. Sodom, Gomorrah, Egypt, Greece, India, Rome, and many others lay as examples of once high and mighty, and now low and gone. Unless people begin to educated themselves properly and understand one fact- the Supreme father hood of God, the Mother hood of nature and the Children hood of humanity at large, one can only expect to see millions of rising and falling empires.
This hard struggle for existence on top can be remedied by a simple understanding- everything animate and inanimate in this manifestation is owned and operated by the Supreme.
When we exploit nature too much due to our puffed up attitude, she shows her greater strengths through disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes etc.
In true brotherhood we can all share our father's property . yes, we all are different; different clothes, different cultures- but this keeps life beautiful.
In Vedic literature God is known by many names, but Krishna tops them all. Krishna means the all attractive personality. Why, because he's all beautiful, Adonai, All Mighty, Allah, the most Intelligent, Buddha and the highest Anointed person, Christ. Every attractive, or unattractive quality in us can be found in full in God in his absolute feature as Krishna. When we break apart the Absolute godhead, and Choose to only show one part of his personality, we will run into trouble. One who sees God as All Might (Allah), will try to conquer worlds depending on the all mightiness of God. Such a man will meet with defense from others who see the Anointed (Christ) or the Intellectual (Buddha) . History, again has shown all of this.
In conclusion, I humbly recommend those reading this journal to take advantage of the storehouse of Vedic knowledge beginning with the Bhagavad-gita and understand the essential thread that runs through all of us. As humans, regardless or caste and creed, religion or region, we can all learn something form these literatures and live on the human platform rather than the tiger or dog platform. Unity in diversity will bring about lasting peace wherever we may be. Until then, we can all pray for the protection of the Supremely powerful sage against cats, hogs, dogs, camels tigers or asses.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Srila Prabhupada's garden gave us entrance into another realm as Nandu, Mirabhai Goura and I walked in that summer day in LA. It was that time of the year again; the Festival of the Chariots was over, and a few of us locals had time to hang out together. The garden has always been my favorite place in LA and to be there with good friends made it all the more special.

Mira had come in with a basket of flowers to make garlands for the next day's offering tot he Dieties, Nandu had taken the harmonium from the temple after the noon arati and was playing some mid-day tunes next to Srila Prabhupada's sitting place. Goura stood on the other side of the water fountain and did a few bharatanatyum moves to "Yasomati nandana" while I, goofing off as usual, tried to follow her every move until she finally agreed to teach me the "real" moves.

Then it dawned on me- Srila Prabhupada's presence was there! And all of us were engaged in something connected to Krishna. Mira making garlands, Nandu singing, Goura teaching me.

This wasn't like the spiritual world, this WAS the spiritual world. Made possiible by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, we were all engaging our consciousness at that moment in relation to Krishna.
Every now and then I think about that day and wonder when that day will come when such an event will happen 24 hours. The energy was unreal, and I was in a space where everyone there with me was perfectly engaged.

The kingdom of heaven, or better yet the Village of heaven is a village of consciousness. That transcendental realm is available to anyone regardless of caste or creed and I am convinced with every passing day that we can all get there even in this lifetime, while in this body, under proper guidance :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So far as a monk I've learned:

When there is sunshine, the glow-worms will never come out.

The spiritual realm is full of even more variety than the material realm

Krsna is God in his highest and most lovable form- as Krsna, he's not judging, creating, making rules, just engaging in loving pastimes with his devotees.

He who owns everything, with no reason to want anything more, is the most respectful when it comes to our independence, and the most grateful when we simply offer a leaf, flower, fruit or water.

What we think we know in this body is a mustard seed compared to what we actually know in our true forms.

Material life is futile, it comes to an end, and is temporary- just when you're ready to truly enjoy it, its old or gone.

we guard our credit cards better than ourselves,

in the material world, its all a bit of history repeating- same script different cast, or same cast, same script, different costumes

birth is harder than death. Birth takes months and days and hours, death takes a moment.

as the sun rises and sets another day is gone and cannot be regained, except for one on the transcendental plane

etc etc etc

Keep the Krsna sun always shining and the darkness of illusion will never come to you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


And yet others say that You appeared to rejuvenate the devotional service of hearing, remembering, worshiping and so on in order that the conditioned souls suffering from material pangs might take advantage and gain liberation. - Queen Kunti

I just arrived at Murari Sevaka, our farm in Tennessee and as we drove along the way from the airport to the farm the marvel of fall can only pull the sentiments out of a hard heart like mine. Clouds rarely pass over this place, and the sun lights every color with vibrancy. The temple is warm and cozy and the saffron- colored walls at once invites one to pause awhile in front of the altar and appreciate the dazzling effulgent Lords Nitai and Gauracandra. Last night was a hard to sleep one- every star was out! This morning meditation as done with the sound of firewood cracking in the fireplace, cymbals chiming and Mrdanga drum rhyming.

I believe this is what nature intends to give to us along with the gift of a human form. But how we appreciate and reciprocate is up to us. For the farm, its abundance in natural beauty is also highlighted with the harvest of fruit and vegetables this year. Less than half an acre was used to plant cabbage, broccoli, eggplants, tomatoes and peppers. Today after giving so much away, we're still left with four huge boxes (you can fit two microwaves into these boxes) of apples. Then there's about three big Hare Krishna size (we cook for many a lot) silver bowls of tomatoes, three medium silver bowls of peppers ranging from hottest to green bells. I see eggplants too. Of course nothing can grow without the help of other "natural" inhabitants. There weren't enough broccoli or cabbage because we had visitors- groundhogs! The deer couldn't take part in it because there was a fence this time to save the vegetables from previous year's deer dinner parties.

Now, think about all that can be made- pickles, salsas, dehydrated (which I'm doing as I write) stuff, and applesauce. Yum! Oh and did I mention somewhere in a previous blog about the fresh milk? Yup, we get milk fresh from the cows at the Amish farm.

So then my question is why would any sane person exploit nature who produces and provides all this- on less than half an acre of land?! This is Krsna's actual plan for those who wish to understand the value of human life. All is provided for, live simple and peacefully and think highly, high about our next and hopefully final destination, the Spiritual world.

So as the verse above mentioned, the main thing to do in the human form is to hear about, remember and worship the Supreme Lord who is directing the provision of all these gifts. Imagine how much more can be had. But no, one might say, I'm young, the city calls, university calls with thousands of college "chicks" to pick from. I can now join the commuters in my own motor casket and wait for that danger which is apparently at every step. And who says I'm stressed? i just like cigarettes, they make me look cool eh? So just mind your business and I'll mind mine. Every thing's Jim cracking dandy! (I'm loosing my mind, hungry, tired, anxious and insecure, who could ask for anything more?)

But sweet dreams ARE made of this- simple living- high thinking, starry nights and dehydrators, valleys and firewood all these things WILL do you good. And no, you don't have to be like me, just live like me :) You're welcome to.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My adventures in monastic life all started with this poem by Alastair Reed.
Please indulge...

may have killed the cat; more likely
the cat was just unlucky, or else curious
to see what death was like, having no cause
to go on licking paws, or fathering
litter on litter of kittens, predictably.

Nevertheless, to be curious
is dangerous enough. To distrust
what is always said, what seems
to ask odd questions, interfere in dreams,
leave home, smell rats, have hunches
do not endear cats to those doggy circles
where well-smelt baskets, suitable wives, good lunches
are the order of things, and where prevails
much wagging of incurious heads and tails.
Face it. Curiosity
will not cause us to die--
only lack of it will.
Never to want to see
the other side of the hill
or that improbable country
where living is an idyll
(although a probable hell)
would kill us all.
Only the curious have, if they live, a tale
worth telling at all.
Dogs say cats love too much, are irresponsible,
are changeable, marry too many wives,
desert their children, chill all dinner tables
with tales of their nine lives.
Well, they are lucky. Let them be
nine-lived and contradictory,
curious enough to change, prepared to pay
the cat price, which is to die
and die again and again,
each time with no less pain.
A cat minority of one
is all that can be counted on
to tell the truth. And what cats have to tell
on each return from hell
is this: that dying is what the living do,
that dying is what the loving do,
and that dead dogs are those who do not know
that dying is what, to live, each has to do.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


In an effort to understand Krishna Consciousness i embarked on one of my "inner conversations", but this time I wrote it down in my journal. Whats the meaning of Krishna Consciousness? Why am I not on the Highest platform everyday; sometimes up, sometimes below down? Here are some thoughts.

Krishna Consciousness means to be conscious always of Krishna- his activities, desires, mysterious nature, workings etc, and not conscious of what one wants to see Krishna fulfil in one's life. Often, we act and then wait for a response and when nothing happens as we expected, we lose a bit of enthusiasm. Rest assure, Krishna will answer, but on his own time. Everyone will be drenched in the nectar flowing from the benediction moon when that time comes. And such a time will be according to person, time, place and circumstance.
We are to become devotees of Krishna, not vice -versa, although Krishna is completely sold out to us.
Passionate nature waits frantically, but be still- and know that Krishna is God.
Yes, as minute independents souls, little controllers, we want to have a say in the results of our actions but the ultimate path is to do as Krishna desires and leave the result up to him.

The case of Arjuna is a good example; through all his questioning, Krishna requests him to just be an instrument at Kuruksetra- the work of destroying the warriors assembled there had already been done. Similarly in our case, Lord Caitanya's distribution of Love of God to every entity will be done; we just have to act as instruments. He is the director we actors work for. His order has been to act! Distribute this love profusely. Who then will not to just that? The director said "and action", so we must act- distribute books, chant, teach, learn, yearn. Then stop when we hear "cut"!
He's in control, his purposes will ripen fast, unfolding with each hour. The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet! Sweet will be the flower. From now on, please allow yourself to be an instrument and nothing more, acting carefully, cautiously, diligently. And while you act and obstacles come, fresh courage take! Those clouds you dread are big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head.

Good Morning ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2008


In an attempt to stimulate my mind, I do little arguments in my head like a mock debate with people. Today, at 4 am I woke up in a fiery mood to argue with myself. Try it sometimes. So here's what it was about.
In College my Philosophy teacher would always insist on "doing" philosophy rather than sitting in class all day and "discussing" philosophy. Understanding the nature of things around us is very nice, as well as understanding the nature of things beyond our present senses, nay beyond our sensuous gaze of inspection. There is a lot out there to learn and one can fill his head to unlimited limits, but in the end the result of words should be action accompanied.

In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna explains two interesting points, among many. He describes two types of people- the mahatmas, great souls, and the duratmas, or what I call foolosuffers. Men of small knowledge, Krishna explains to Arjuna, are attracted by the flowery words of the Vedas, which talk about so many seemingly "deep" subject matters dealing with the three modes of material nature and its proclivities. (I even woke up with a fiery vocabulary huh). You find people out there, all due respects to them, who sit around all day and night in their heads and analyze things in life, with no aim of really shaping the world through their findings. It is fascinating tho, this creation; Nature runs so expertly, so diligently, so consciously. We could go down many channels trying to find out the ultimate connection of all things. And even when it comes to matters beyond us, such people stretch their materialistic demeanor that far. "In my opinion, I think, perhaps, maybe, theoretically, logically."

But everyone has an opinion, and every man can suppose and propose, but to what avail is it, if the subject matter is that which we have no tangible experience of? Therefore, I propose we come to a practical basis of understanding of our simple reality around us, and take the humble position of knowing very little, no matter how "deep" we may think we're thinking.

Krishna also talks about those with "real" Knowledge: after many many births and deaths, one who is in real knowledge Surrenders unto Me, knowing me to be the cause of all causes. Such a great soul is very rare.
Interesting! So knowledge as mentioned above IS real knowledge, and can be studied for lifetimes upon, but the cycle of birth and death stops with knowledge of Krishna. Krishna means the ultimate goal, the reason for learning. Not a philosopher's opinion written in a book, but tangible revelation after many births and deaths. Finally, the seeking philosopher comes to the engineer behind the engine, the technician in the powerhouse. Many other statements are made in the Bhagavad-gita to back such points and I urge people reading this to study Bhagavad-gita As It Is and get to understand things for themselves.
But then again are we just looking for a clear understanding? Now that we've arrived at "Krishna", what next? Well, just like when a young boy meets a young girl after eying her for weeks on end, or when a mother meets her child after nine months of carrying such a person, a relationship begins. Surrender unto Krishna means accepting the vastness and greatness of Krishna and acting under his guidance. This "action" in a "relationship" can manifest in five primary ways: in neutrality, servitor ship, friendship, paternity and conjugal love. Very high subject matters which requires expert guidance. Furthermore, one begins to dovetail all his actions for the satisfaction of Krishna and through Krishna's reciprocation, we achieve boundless transcendental bliss. Not something to philosophize about, rather something felt deep within and seen by all from without.
And Krishna explains that such a Mahatma, or great soul is very rare. Why rare? I have the knowledge of you, so whats so hard about surrendering? Well one thing I will mention here is that when most people learn about higher subjects, the effect is pride- now I know more than you- and pride is not a prerequisite for spiritual life, rather and stumbling block.
So my urge to true philosophers out there is to go deeper into doing philosophy in a simple and practical manner which may leave a mark in society, like planting a tree rather than talking about the benefits of planting, or loving and sharing with each other rather than talking about how we're all ultimately connected, yet fight like cats and dogs. Doing philosophy is more stimulating than talking philosophy; many people benefit from doing, few benefit from talking and time is wasted. I happen to be a thinker sometimes and usually its all up in my head which leaves lots of time for living as a monk in service to life around me :). We can all give it a try and see what its like.

Great Souls are found in the most practical places, Not so great souls are the ones who light no fire and perform no duty. Good Morning

Friday, October 3, 2008


Seriously, what would I know about that huh? I'm a monk. But I was a kid once and I see my friends assuming such roles lately. It must be quite an interesting world, and when a gentleman approached me today with what I'd call one of my top 10 conversations, one of the topics was raising Kids.

What will it be like in twenty years for them, I wonder in my 30 years I've seen the world go down quite swiftly. I find it hard to even live certain principles I was taught as a kid. Open the door for elders, Ladies sit first (after you draw their seats out for them), When grown ups, people at least ten years older than you, are in a conversation, leave the room (out of respect).

Amongst others. Hard to see lately and its interesting to see what will turn out; what will become of us. But there's hope that the lessons we learn now Will guide us to guide our offsprings later.

Without going on much further, as I have my own opinions on the matter, I did remember a song my mom used to sing to me about being a parent. Two sons, actually- "If I Could", and "No Charge". No Charge usually came up when I was the demanding little boy who wanted the world just because i made up my bed or something funny like that, and If I Could was the voice of a concerned, yet confident mother who, like any other mother, hopes for only the best for her child.

As I walked back to the monastery that song came to mind and I can only wish my friends and theirs best of luck in parenthood. The future will be what you teach your children now. As in the words of the boy-saint Prahlada, Spiritual lessons should be learned as earliest as possible- from the tender age of childhood. Or as the book of Proverbs say, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

If I could, I'd protect you
From the sadness in your eyes
Give you courage in
A world of compromise
Yes, I would
If I could, I would teach you
All the things I've never learned
And I'd help you cross
The bridges that I've burned
Yes, I would

If I could, I would try to
Shield your innocence from time
But the part of life
I gave you isn't mine
I'll watch you grow
So I can let you go

If I could, I would help you
Make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can
Never cry your tears, babe
But I would, if I could

If I could, in a time and place
Where you don't wanna be
You don't have to walk
Along this road with me
My yesterday won't
Have to be your way

If I knew, I'd try to change
The world I brought you to
Now there isn't
Much more that I can do
But I would If I could
If I could

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I was listening to a lecture this morning and My teacher, Srila Prabhupada gave an interesting meaning of the word Violence. He explained that checking people from their natural advancement in life is the worst type of Violence. When such virulent activities happen, the signs of the times as we know it are sure to manifest: wars, over population and unusual weather patterns.

The Bhagavad-gita explains that whatever actions one great man performs common men follow, and whatever standard he sets by his example, all the world pursues. Basically, everything begins from the top. In bygone ages, the Kings were known as Raja-rishis or kings who knew and understood that the human life is a gift awarded to the living entity after transmigrating through so many species. Their duty as kings were to set the example of leading a balanced realized spiritual life, nothing to do with mundane religiosity, as well as a material life of allotted enjoyment- not usurping the resources of nature.

This human form of life is meant for self realization- that through this human body one can understand his real identity as spirit soul. This form differs from others in the fact that one can think about higher topics. If i were to sit and read Bhagavad-gita to a dog or cat, the living being inside will surely understand the subject matter, but his conditioning, a dog's body, will not allow him to act accordingly. So the Human body is a great gift and should be used for great purposes.

So the violence happening now is the forward march of the world towards better means of gratifying the senses, old men are prescribed Viagra for better sex life, better beds are created for longer sleep, the tongue is requesting next to abominable eatables and oh, what to speak of defense. People are led everyday by various advertisements that happiness and peace comes from outside: the girl/guy wearing the latest fashion will be your source of happiness, the latest electronic gadget will surely calm your souls quest much better than the 8 track of long ago, nay better than the calming flowing rivers and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

And for this end, others are being exploited to the point of wars being raged on their own soils. As a friend of mine asked, whats our oil doing on their soil? All the while we never hear of the knowledge people really need to be happy and peaceful. Where is the University that is teaching the science of the soul? Most of what is thought, if i should venture there, is Vocational training meant to prepare one for the race towards a better form of gratification.

As the sages have taught us, real education means to refrain from being a victim of body dictation. We all like to think how much we are in charge right? I'm independent, I know what I'm doing, I have it ll figured out; but why then are we still under the control of our own bowel movements? When nature calls , who dares say no? AHA ! LOL.

So who's the boss again? Nature, but the boss of this body. Therefore real knowledge means to learn how to control the many urges the body and mind demand from us. That is the road followed by true spiritualists. Such a person is in true control of life and can therefore guide others to better and greener pastures, not the one who can't even control his own bodily dictates.

I'll leave the rest for your thinking :)

Good Morning.

But before I go ....

The best way to counter act this is to be an example of what the real use of human life should look like. Now, that's a big test. And we are all trying step by step. Join the movement, join the march.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Isn't it? Really? Seriously?

The goal, the essence of everything we do is to bring about some sort of gratification, a feeling that arouses teh butterflies, and shakes the cobwebs a bit letting the sleepy spiders of our minds crawl about a bit. Every advertisement we see promises sense gratification, every great speech promises the revelation or realization of a dream! So how bout I tell you a little something about a dream.

I too have a dream!

My dream is to see that everyone becomes happy. As a monk, my one question is always what can I do everyday that can benefit the masses. How can the vows I took to follow spiritual principles actually transfer from me to someone else? That is, if I'm catually feeling spiritual bliss as I may claim. The Srimad Bhagavatam (one awesome holy book out there) explains that it is the duty of every person to use his life , intelligence, wealth and words for the benefit of another.

So how can i really do that? So here's my dream.

__ Anandambuddhi vardhanam pratipadam__

Spiritual bliss and satisfaction can be tasted at every step, but the highest pleasure comes when we in turn distribute that bliss to others. There is no end to it. The ocean of bliss is unlimited and each person is allowed to take more than he can handle- provided he also gives more than enough. Everyday I stand out in the strees distributing spiritual literature and hoping that someone will read them and understand that material life is a one way ticket form nowhere to nowhere... (nowhere man please listen- john lennon).

But lately I've been doing some self examination: if people are to abandon everything and try to follow my lead, I have to actually show that I am feeling the bliss. That deep feeling within has to also connect with the next person's inner hankering. its not some external show of things. True bliss comes from the soul, from the spiritual stratum and unless we are feeling it, people, who are also spiritual in essence, will find out sooner or later.

So do we have to be self realized souls then? Nope, but we can at least have trust in the self realized souls and repeat what they impart to us. In this way, the transfer of knowledge stays fresh and not contaminated by our mundane speculation. Kinda like a postman, sometimes he may be carrying a letter with a check for one million dollars for you, as long as he delivers the check to your mailbox, he's done his job; but say he opens your letter and find a check! Oh Oh. now his mind runs all over the place with what he could do to get some of your money- kidnap your pet, you, your friend. I dunno, never met a postman like that.

Basically, my dream is to deliver the message of Bhagavad Gita as delivered to me. And as I practice and feel some clarity in my life, I would like to urge others to do the same.

Nothing to lose untimately, but if there's gain, why not?

So not just me, but other spiritual practitioners- the best way to increase your spiritual blis is to give it to others. Lord Caitanya and His associates showed us this practically; the plundered the storehouse of Love and distributed that love freely to everyone. But something strange was happening at that time- the more the gave, the more there was to give. Some of that has been passed to us, lets keep passing it on and paying it forward.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


It's been a risky week! I opened the third Chapter of a book called "Servant of the Servant", a recollection by a monk named Tamal Krishna Goswami about his times travelling around the US on this Greyhound but turned temple. Along with other monks, it was the pied piper meets the magic school bus. They'd go from city to town to village and practically each time they left, two or three fortunate souls would join up and try to live as monks. He recounts the joys, the transcendental competitive spirits of other monks who admired their bus's adventure and tried to replicate their activities, the rude awakening in parking lots with guns in the window and insults hurling thru the ether, the bitter cold and warm summers, and the care and nourishment of each new soul trying to make his way back home to the spiritual world by accepting monastic vows.

As I read on my yearning increased to be engaged in such a way! Forget everything and just travel and teach. I yearn to meet others with this mentality. In the 60s and 70s that was easy, people were unsatisfied with the ways of their parents and so the Hippie movement sprung up in search of inner and higher truths. Today, time is mostly spent uploading or downloading Ipod stuff, shopping, girl/boy hunting, celebrity gossiping and whatever else us young ones do for fulfilment. Who dare try monastic life now? Very few even think of it. At most, guys and girls sit up all night trying to figure out life's mysteries through the pot peace pipe hole or shrooms or again, whatever else us young...

So in that state of mind I distributed books in downtown Halifax this week mentally recalling all I read the previous nights. Then a funny thing happened. A few guys I talked to started asking questions on monastic life. Even better, this curious eyed guy, full of energy and a spirit of adventure hopped off his bus and had to see what those guys in Saffron robes were talking about. We even invited him and a few others over for supper. pretty cool I thought. But he's only 18- wait a minute! Just one minute there fella :) I was only 18 when I moved into the monastery. Yup, fresh outta high school and wondering what i was gonna do in that college place.

Then there were those Saffron clad monks and Sari clad nuns who caught my attention on that busy day in 1998 in Seattle. The rest is history which pops up every now and then in the pages of blogs and journals.

What else this week....

I got really cold and my bones started to hurt but I ignored it allll day and it hurt still alllll day.

I also realized and decided to learn to respect others who don't share my let's jump in a van and take over the world and turn every one and their moms into monks mood.

I ate spice cake, got marriage proposals from a lady on the street (funny one). I told her no (valley girl accent) and she was like why? and I was like cuz i chose not to and she was like oh my Gosh you so should, and I was like sorry, what i don't use down there I use in my brain, like oh my God she was like so sad, like i don't like get it!

Monday, September 15, 2008


OK, exercise time! Take a deep breath, come on! Deep in, now let it out. wotcha noticed? Anything? OK try again, but this time, count the amount of seconds breathing in, and breathing out. In most cases, its equal amounts; a balance set up by nature herself. All around us these things are happening- in nature that is. So who let the dogs out in human society? Who are these people taking more and more and giving little back? Oh well, landfills I guess. Who let the Hogs out, turning our world from fast food nation to fast food world? Who let the Camels out, eating thorns mixed with their own blood? Oh and lastly, who let the Asses (donkeys) out, working so hard for so little profit?
Can any of us relate to any of these animals? Are our daily lives filled with a search for more gratification and seemingly putting out more energy than necessary? I have a thought or two on that. Human life is not meant to be like what we see out there. Look at civilizations gone before, Aryans, Mayans, and even up to 70 or more years ago; after lasting for so many years did they leave the earth in such a state? Did they leave landfills? Yes a land filled with what we now go back to in documentaries and other things marvel at. This is human civilization. A civilization that leaves garbage and waste for the next generation is no better than that of the animal kingdom. But even he animals are doing better than we are nowadays, no?
So lets begin to work toward positive ends. Plant a garden for starters, walk more, party less, and be outside more. There's a whole lot of amazing things left that we have to explore. Creation is full of variety and we have to seek it out. I promise, its beautiful. It does require some effort tho. Like the good book says, its mo re blessed to give than to receive.
Quality is what we should desire now, quality of life, and animal life doesn't cut it. Quality life comes with great effort and conscious living.
I'll continue this tomorrow, bed time now.
Oh by the way, if you'd like to write something here, like an article or poem, you're welcome to do so. just email me and we'll see about it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


In monastic life, one's first duty is to offer respect to his teacher and then go on for the rest of the day in his service. But what is the service of the teacher? As in my case, Srila Prabhupada's most important service he has passed down to me is assisting him in freeing the western world from impersonalism and voidism.

"namaste saraswati deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha-shunyavadi pashchatya-desha-tarine"

"Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. You are kindly teaching the message of Lord Caitanya and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism."

So one may ask why not help free the world from hunger, poverty, etc etc. These are visible problems. Yes, true, but as the truth goes, we never find the root cause of something at the front of the line. We may see symptons, like a boil on the body representing so malfunction or impurity in the blood. Or worse case scenario, people who externally seem to be the nicest of neigbhors or teachers or whoever, and then the next day their faces appear on the news for some act unmentionable here. The problem, the cause is usually deep within; deply rooted.

The jist of it is that in an impersonal and void world, actions happen out of a sense of hopelessness or resignation.

The earth becomes a dead thing we can claim, others are seen as a means for exploitation in order to reach the top, children laugh and play as kids together, then grow as men and fight to kill each other. Is this reaching too far? Look around again and then keep reading.

There's somuch to write about the effects of impersonalism but I'll focus on the importance of personalism henceforward.

The Vedas tell us that everything animate and inanimate belongs to someone- Krishna, or whatever name one may have for ht Supreme. Krishna has also allotted to us different quota according to our capabilities (for example and elephant can eat tons of food, and I can only eat up to a bowl or two at most.) When we understand and respect such teachings, then we begin to Honor everything and everyone around us.

Moreover, by understanding the nature of Spirituality, we also begin to fill the Void in our own lives. People today look outside for satisfaction: the new I pod, or zen, discotheque or arcade, boy or girl. We are bombarded with advertisements gauranteeing our happiness- til the next new thing comes along. How long should this go on? When we understand that happiness comes from within, we should also make an effort to look within.

One thing we'll find when we look with in is ourselves. Yup! thats a whole other topic that I'll leave for later. When we do see things a little clearer, its easy to be personal, fearless and fulfilled. Fearless means reaching out and giving one's service selflessly, knowing that he, the soul is indestructible. And there are many out there today who need to be reached out to. No that we should become some super heroes and fly to the rescue, but if we are spiritually inclined, we should go deeper into spiritual consciousness and from that point, reach out. To quote Jesus, "one should not light a candle and then cover it with a bowl; no, when a light is lit, leave it in the open so people can see in teh dark. So let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven."

So the harvest is rich, thanks to an ever increasing advancement towards outer satisfaction.

People are looking for something tangible, so my appeal to all Spiritualist is to join in the march for real freedom- freedom from impersonalism, and voidism (in other words, lonliness and emptiness)

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I was reading this passage from Srimad Bhagavatam this morning and thought it'd be an interesting read for those out there who look for an alternative to our industry lifestyle today.

All these cities and villages are flourishing in all respects because the herbs and grains are in abundance, the trees are full of fruits, the rivers are flowing, the hills are full of minerals and the oceans full of wealth. And this is all due to Your glancing over them.
Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts and not by gigantic industrial enterprises. The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life. The more we go on increasing such troublesome industries to squeeze out the vital energy of the human being, the more there will be unrest and dissatisfaction of the people in general, although a few only can live lavishly by exploitation. The natural gifts such as grains and vegetables, fruits, rivers, the hills of jewels and minerals, and the seas full of pearls are supplied by the order of the Supreme, and as He desires, material nature produces them in abundance or restricts them at times. The natural law is that the human being may take advantage of these godly gifts by nature and satisfactorily flourish on them without being captivated by the exploitative motive of lording it over material nature. The more we attempt to exploit material nature according to our whims of enjoyment, the more we shall become entrapped by the reaction of such exploitative attempts. If we have sufficient grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs, then what is the necessity of running a slaughterhouse and killing poor animals? A man need not kill an animal if he has sufficient grains and vegetables to eat. The flow of river waters fertilizes the fields, and there is more than what we need. Minerals are produced in the hills, and the jewels in the ocean. If the human civilization has sufficient grains, minerals, jewels, water, milk, etc., then why should it hanker after terrible industrial enterprises at the cost of the labor of some unfortunate men? But all these natural gifts are dependent on the mercy of the Lord. What we need, therefore, is to be obedient to the laws of the Lord and achieve the perfection of human life by devotional service. The indications by Kuntīdevī are just to the point. She desires that God's mercy be bestowed upon them so that natural prosperity be
maintained by His grace.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reach Out and Touch Faith

Nope, not your own personal Jesus :)
But something interesting I've noticed during my travels and interaction is the sour fact that lots of people are lonely. While distributing books I find that many ppl put their headphones on, or dark glasses and walk past trying not to notice, or be noticed.
The world gets a little more impersonal each day. We're almost spinning our own silk coccoons as dasy go by.
As a monk my challenge is extending myself as much as possible to people who have sort of a big and bad attitude and walk around with a chip (of no chip) on their shoulders. With so much fear and distrust around us, who can blame anyone for keeping to themselves? But is it our fear fo each other thats killing us?
Hmm, I've waited for this day when I'd start to write this seriously about something. But with a bit of encouragement. We can all be our brother's keepers- one good turn deserves another.
Anyways, life goes on and travels are happening. i only touched the surface of this because I could write for hours about what I've seen and heard.
But that bed time is approaching and sleep is driving a fast car to get to me.
Hare Krishna. Good night

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I have a proposal.
I know I said I'd write so much that happend this summer right. But when I sit to write... my minds a blank.____________________________________________
So what say ye we start a new from here on eh? Savvy?
I can whip up some awesome stuff about my strange little realizations, silly little notions. and just keep you entertained.
Yup so the past shall sleep as of tonight. Sometimes best not wake it either; so full of moments
ever changing moments, embarassing, humbling, exciting, living moments.
Forget the past the sleeps,
ne'er dream the future at all.
Live with times that are with the now
and progress the shall call."
Bhaktivinode Thakur.
(pop quiz: who's Bhaktivinode Thakur? )


Part of my daily routine is reading one of the many Spiritual Books written and translated by My Spiritual Grandfather Srila Prabhupada. These books are filled with knowledge fo everything and anything. While travelling this summer I was reading a section on Astronomy and the different planetary systems, then later I read about one of my favourite personalities, the great sage Narada. Basically, Narada got this benediction to be able to travel throughout the universes at will and travel he does! He's a monk who appears at very crucial times in people's lives and gives them some spiritual message to speed up Krishna's proceeding pasttimes.

For saintly people, Narada is a blessing, a breath of fresh air, a "just when I need it" kinda person. But for the gross materialists, this blessing in disguise is often not so welcome. Materialists want spiritual enlightenment in the least! Imagine a person trying to blow up a building, (or should you really imagine that), or do something to increase his attachment to the bodily concept of life and in comes this monk who tells you that your plan, although it may work, is temporary and so why waste time on it? Yup! thats the kinda fellow this Narada is. Interested in teh welfare of all beings, he looks beyond their faults and sees their real needs- the need to contact the spiritual realm. So on a few occasions Narada was cursed to never stay in one place very long so that he won't be able to disturb ppl's peace. In his Purport to one of the translated verses, Srila Prabhupada explains how he has been cursed in such a way by the parents of his students for bringing this sublime spiritual science to the western world where parents would rather see their sons and daughters as full fledge sense enjoyers, forgetting their eternal nature as spiritual beings. He accepts the curse but it also hampers him from swiftly translating all the Sanskrit books he needs to translate. He wishes to transfer and distribute this curse to some of his students and grand students who want to continue to "cause trouble"and give people an alternative to the rat race.

WOW I thought, I want to be CURSED! I mean, I like travelling, I love teaching about Krishna conscious philosophy, I like interacting with people. So whaddawewaitingfor?

The I thought, wow, a curse? Who in their right minds wanna be cursed? But then double take, its a blessing to be cursed like this. That means all the Teachers in the line of Narada will be pleased with me and offer all their protection. Ah... lets do it.

So yup, I'm living on a prayer, halfway there!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


YUP, God has a birthday.
Again, not just GOD, but Krishna! the Supreme personality of GODhead.
In the Spiritual world today is a huge festival.
His mom is cooking like anything, his dad is giving away sooo many gifts,
one of which he gave to the material world in the form of Srila Prabhupada,
Sridham, Balaram, Madhumangala and the rest of his friends are dressed exquisitely for the ocasion and the cows are producing more milk than anyone can use so the ground is soaked.
and guess what, when Krishna goes out to play today, he's gonna hang on to the calve's tails and thats gonna scare them, and then they'll run and drag him thru the milk mud.
then he's gonna get a bath and then all sorts of fun things are gonna happen today.
but guess what? its like that everyday with the little boy blue.
Neverland meets everland and love is the currency of exchange.


Hi everyone!
Its been a fun filled summer traveling from city to city, country to country and really getting to see Americanadexico.
One thing that stood out through all this is that thread that runs thru us all- love. Divine love.
As we traveled to many cities in our big yellow buses with Krishna.com on the top, so many ppl honked, waved, stopped to ask questions, etc etc.
A band of rag-tag transcendentalists we were and that wasn't passing anyone by.
And for me this was an opportunity to share my lifestyle with others.
There were about fifty of us and we all lived together fro 9 weeks on two buses. Oh man, sometimes we all wanted to hit the next person, and other times we all wanted to embrace the next person. By the end of the tour, we had formed a bond; we had all gone out of our normal lives and lived for Krishna's pleasure.
It showed too! During our performances people cried and cheered and danced and stood stunned and ate and everything in between.
"Henceforward," I'm basically gonna write what comes to mind and not try to be all literary and stuff eh?
So there was wild blueberry picking up by serpent river in Canada and then rasberry pickin in Saranagati, then more blueberry pickin in Vancouver. Everytime I was in those fields I wondered what it would be like to be picking such awesome fruits with Krishna. Can you imagine? God has his little basket and you have yours and the both of you just berry fest allllll day long. Or bunjee jumping ans whitewater rafting with Krishna. Jeeeeze.
Then there was that one night we had Smores! YUMMMY TUMMY SMORES!
And then to every strangers amazement... those people... dancing in the streets! yup, we did that too.
And camping at Yosemite and beaching in Mexico, cooling off in Maine, heating up in Utah, soakng up detroits rainy festival weather.... I'll go on and on and on.

My favorite was being in Nova Scotia. The people were soooo nice I thought I had died and gone to niceland. As we walked downtown St. Andrew's people were stoppign and welcoming us to their little town of Andrew-helm how still we see theee lie, I mean uh.. we went whale watching and had some amazing soup on the boat (literally, when someone spilled their's)
Bhagavad Gita was a hit that afternoon as I distributed four in ten minutes- seriously.
Then all the other fun stuff that I'm tooo tired to write about like being in DC or LA or NYC or driving and watching the northern most lights not turn dark.
Ok I'll be back with pictures and what not

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yup, long time no write.
Thats because long time no see no computer to wrote eh.
We're travellign all around Canada and having a blast performing and spreading love and knowledge. I'll continue to write in about a month with all the fun things we did.
love ya'll

Friday, May 30, 2008

Higher Things / Unspeakable Joy

When I was in between Monastic life and monastic life, I lived somewhat of a hippie/yuppie life and this song was so cool. Today while thinking about it I started to relate it to This Krishna conscious philosophy. It fit pretty well. Here's the lyrics.

When I wake up in the morning gets me outta bed
Keeps me runnin' skippin' jumpin' like a little kid
You know sometimes I can hardly keep it inside
It overtakes me, overwhelms me, and I'm mortified
I Did not get it from any woman or man
And it's okay if they don't always understand
It's very easy to get caught in circumstance
It's even easier to break out in a dance

People ask my why this supernatural high
Seeing only sun when there's a cloudy sky
I know the trouble tries to surround me
But I've been given something greater deep inside of me
When I'm facing opposition of that attitudes
We come see notions, dispositions are completely rude
When darkness thinks that it's outdone me,
I must remember the greater love's inside meI
did not get it from any woman or man
And it's okay if they don't always understand
It's very easy to get caught in circumstance
It's even easier to break out in a dance
Unspeakable Joy!' Cause they did not give it, and they can not take it away! JOY!
Unspeakable Joy! In my heart and I can't let them steal my JOY


The evening on the farm didn't seem like one until about 8:30 pm. Days are getting longer and nights sweeter and just when I thought no other creature would pop up- Freekin' Fireflies I tell you. Lighting up as they buzzed pass me. Wow, too cool. why do I wanna go to the city? Oh yeah, I have to teach, or at least practice teaching. Then it got dark and the sky looked like hollywood on Oscar night; so many stars were out, except these stars don't have hollywood star issues.
Well, Just a short one this morning. I'll check in my mind for any other babblings appropriate for posting.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Fresh butter is better so you better eat more butter. (say it ten times really fast.)
The devotees on the farm here get their milk from a group of menonite farmers and its the best milk experience I've had in the US. It's not processed at all and is cooled to about 30 degrees right after the cow is milked. And the cows... WOW! So clean and friendly and lovable. How can they produce anything but amazing milk. Human society is missing out on the simple gifts of nature. Will we ever realize it? Thats a totally different topic. For now I'll hop one step back to the butter I made yesterday.
After the milk arrived there was so much cream on teh top and so I decided to make some butter and meditate on how Mother Yasoda makes butter for Krishna in the spiritual world. Little did I know, its exciting! You have to get all high when you see these little transformations. So there I was in the kitchen churning butter in the plastic churner they have here. I was listening to a kirtan cd and chanted all along. First came cream-whipped cream! I thought for a moment to stop there and make ice cream. . . nah, fugettaboudit! i'm making butter. So on we goes makin' butter and churns we turns and sings we along and happier we starts to get!
About fifteen minutes into it I begin to see the cream turn into this yellow substance we call butter! I was higher than a kite and could not help but pray one day to make butter everyday. When I open a monastery of my own, there MUST be fresh butter everyday for Krishna. He likes it. Krishna's most lovable pastimes involve butter stealing. Yes, God is not boring, nor is he bored. He's the embodiment of all kinds of amazing mellows. Where do we get all these qualities we find in ourselves? Did calvin and hobbes just evolve into a naughty calvin and hobbes? And dennis that menace? Nope, an artist took them from his mind. So as we're made in Krishna's image, we come with minute sparks of his qualities. He's teh supreme love stealing' double dealin' two timing' not low down but high up son of a mother who makes awesome butter and yogurt and yup, thats ze God i've decided to dedicate my time to teaching the world about. The one we know of now reflects the mind of a concocted person who's just out to get ya. he's on a guilt trip cuz no one likes his creation, they kille dhis only son, and he has an enemy named the devil. Come ON! Who is God envious of? In layman terms: which other black woman out there is Oprah envious of? LOL
Ok now for the eating part. Wish you guys were here to share it, but soon we'll all be stealing butter with Krishna so hold your horses.
(lately while typing I've been typing "teh" instead of "the" and I have no idea why taht's (LOL) happening.)

Monday, May 26, 2008


That was my expression as I walked off the porch into the thunderstorm a few minutes ago. The day had started nice and warm on the farm and after I made lunch for the devotees I decided to sit and chant in the doorway for a few minutes. Rain clouds began to gather and I began speculating if the color of the cloud passing was the same as Krishna's complexion. A few minutes later it began to pour and I watched for a moment reminiscing about Africa in the rainy season. Days like these wouldn't find me on the porch, I thought. I'd be in the rain and picking up fallen mangoes. " would be nice to do it again", I thought. Wait a minute, when did I, of all people grow up? When? At that moment it was goodbye porch and in the rainstorm with my bead bag strolling along the road and chanting softly. It was like back then! I remembered a past time of Srila Prabhupada in LA and how he wanted to run up the stairs. He mentioned that those desires were still there but the body wasn't allowing it to happen anymore. In such a simple instance he showed the difference between the body and the soul. " Well I'd better enjoy this while I can, " I thought. Which led up to me writing about this now and which will lead me to the Kitchen afterwards to make some warm halava to offer to Krishna and then parttake in his remnants. On days like these my mom would make soup and my brother, cousins and I would eat and watch television. So what's a monk to do now? Halava, soup or somethng warm, definitely. And perhaps one of Srila Prabhupada's books instead of a movie will do.
No pictures lately because of dail- up connection. But I'll post some soon.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nectar in the End

Living a simple life in a complicated world is not such a simple thing at all :) We've learned so much in this world that is supposedly the way to live and be happy, yet year after year no one has achieved the happiness they expect or look for. Yet there exists a perfect world- not the utopian perfection, but the perfect that comes out of the simplest of gestures, when in a space in time you know you've endeavored for something worth it.

I would like to spend the rest of my life learning and teaching about Krishna consciousness. Mostly i would like to teach about his simplicity. People think God lives in this big castle in the sky with streets of Gold whatever rich people might imagine about the spiritual realm. But from the Vedic scriptures we learn that God is just a boy; a boy who lives in a little village with his family and loving friends. He protects his devotees thru any danger, even to the point o flifting a hill like he did five thousand years ago. His mother, along with the rest of the village think about him all day when he's gone to the fields with his brother to tend the cows. He wanders along the river with his friends making funny noises, playing in caves, you name it, God does it. the story goes on about this simple place and this is where I long to be at the end of my life.

But to get there is not so easy. Tolorance, hunility, and so many other things have to be learned in order to transcend this world and go back. But then there's a secret- invite as many people as you can to come back to the spiritual world and Krishna will endow you with all the good qualities that you long to achieve. Yup, Krishna promises that. he does. So one day I'll see you all around the bend. my huckleberry friends!

Friday, May 2, 2008


I pray youll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we dont know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where well be safe

I pray we’ll find Your light
And hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night
Remind us where You are
Let this be our prayer
When shadows fill our day

A world where pain and sorrow will be ended
And every heart that’s broken will be mended
And we’ll remember we are all God’s children
Reaching out to touch you, reaching to the sky

We ask that life be kind
And watch us from above
We hope each soul will find
Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Needs to find a place
Guide us with Your grace
Give us faith so we’ll be safe

And that faith you've lit
deep within our hearts
i think faith can save us

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Battlefield

Its an inner battle when we realize that the world is throwing so many things in our faces at every moment, and that we have to keep dodging the bullets and make our way back to base-safely. But the world is not the enemy, we aren't the enemy either. Nope its not that goat-legged and horned red guy called the devil either. Its simply the misconception we have attached to thru the medium of the false ego via the intelligence, mind and senses. As explained in the Bhagavad-Gita desire, or lust, is the all devouring enemy of us all, And its quite deep too. we can't just uproot it and go. Nope, its born of contact with the senses and their objects. The Gross senses want to feel and taste and hear and see, while the subtle senses want to feel the inner gratification of such contact. In this way the chariot of the mind drives us here and there hoping that what we're looking for is out there and will appear soon and very soon. But so many things apear to be what we are seeking- only to end, or keep going to the next person. So the more we keep up the seeing and feeling and other stuff for external gratification, the battle continues-with casualties.
But just as the enemy is within, born of this body, the Hero also lies within. He wasn't just born with the body, nor does he appear at the crucial moment to save the day; He's always there. You know him, I do too. He's been with us on countless journeys and his name is Paramatma (say that five times). So by looking with in we see the friend and the enemy. When we then analyze that the reason the enemy is the enemy is because he presents things to us that doesnt quench our thirst for non-stop bliss, then we begin to ask the paramatma what he can offer us. Again, we learn from the Gita that Paramatma is just waiting for that moment. So that all he can tell us is this: "I have nothing to offer you that already isn't yours." You, as a being different from the covering belonging to desire, come from a world where you don't even need sunlight! What to speak of everything else thats being thrown at you. you already have these in full. He continues to explain that we are of the same nature, Paramatma and us, and we exist together forever in that splenidn abode. He envites us back by beckoning that we turn from the battle outside of sensual throwings, look within, and call out from within, loud enough to reawaken such atmosphere.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hippie In me

Has anyone seen that movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon"?

It happens to be one of my favorite movies. It deals with a person's faith through trials. That person being the awesome St. Francis of Asisi. If you haven't seen it you may not understand this scene. But try to watch the movie and free yourself of mankind's obsession with original sin.

here's a link to the youtube video, and then the lyrics to the song is below.

(in this part of the movie they just re constructed a post crusade sacred ruined church, and the youth of asisi are attending which in tun pisses the bishop and other members of the church off.)

If you want your dream to be

Take your time, go slowly

Do few things, but do them well

Heartfelt work grows purely

If you want to live life free

Take your time, go slowly

Do few things, but do them well

Heartfelt work grows purely

Day by day, stone by stone

Build your secret slowly

Day by day, you'll grow, too

You'll know heaven's glory

If you want your dream to be

Take your time, go slowly

Small beginnings, greater ends

Heartfelt work grows purely

if you want to live life free

Take your time, go slowly

Do few things, but do them well

Heartfelt joys are holy


So news reaches the pope after so drama, and St. Francis gets to meet the pope who then has this to say:

[Francesco] Simple people understand us, but the others -- perhaps we've made mistakes. This is what we want to know. Is it not possible, Holy Father, to live according to the teachings of our Lord? Or have we sinned through presumption? If that be the case, then we would like Your Holiness to tell us of our errors.

[Pope] My dearest son, errors will be forgiven. In our obsession with original sin, we too often forget original innocence. Don't let that happen to you. You've brought me, dear children, great joy and a little sadness. I, too, started my vocation -- oh, long ago -- in much the sameway as you. But, with time, all that enthusiasm passed, and the responsibility of church government took hold of me, as you see. And what will happen to those who come after you? Have you thought enough about them?

[Francesco] But if it be true for us, then how can it not be true for them?

[Pope] We are encrusted with riches and power. You, in your poverty, put us to shame. Francesco, Francesco, go in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Preach the truth to all men. May your disciples increase a thousandfold, and flourish like the palm tree. Our Lord be with you, in your hands and in your feet.

So we had some thoughtful Christians back then.


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हियर इस अन एअस्य वे टू लुक अत थे पिक्टुरेस ओं माय फ्लिक्कर अकाउंट
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സൊ ഹിയര്‍ ഈസ് ദ ലിങ്ക് ടോ മൈ ഫ്ലിക്കര്‍ അക്കൌണ്ട്


This is one of my favorite songs. In such times when love is rarely found around here, I sometimes wanna jump outta my skin and traverse the world spreading what has been given to me. This is my mood lately:)


Come and hold my hand

I wanna contact the living

Not sure I understand

This role I've been given

I sit and talk to God

And he just laughs at my plans

My head speaks a language

I don't understand

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

Cos I got too much life

Running through my veins

Going to waste

I don't wanna die

But I ain't keen on living either

Before I fall in love

I'm preparing to leave her

Scare myself to death

That's why I keep on running

Before I've arrived

I can see myself coming

I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

I got too much love

Running through my veins

To go to waste

I just wanna feel

Real love and the love ever after

There's a hole in my soul

You can see it in my face

It's a real big place

-robbie williams

In this day and age, such feelings can only be revived by chanting for Krishna sincerely. Why only, because Krishna is eternal like we are. Matter may give us some feeling, but its so fleeting. Krishna stays.
**hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
**hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

Friday, April 25, 2008

Its Not The Jar

Most People, not understanding the true nature of things often look on externals to speculate whats going on internal. Two words come to mind today- Conditioning, and Nature. First I'll start with nature. Our true nature, is that we are spiritual beings, belonging to a spiritual realm in a much more fascinating reality than this one. The goal in human life is to get back to that nature using the human form of body as a vehicle. Now like every machine made of matter, this body has a certain conditioning. Conditioning involves how the soul expresses its desires through a certain medium. A soul in the body of a dog sees the world differently than that person in the body of a tiger. Most animals live in a world controlled and protected by nature. Humans, on the other hand are given a little more freedom. Look around and notice people's clothing, cars, houses, etc. Each person shows one constant thing- individuality. But the conditioning makes it so that although two people may be identical twins even, they express themelves differently. If we all had on different colored glasses, we would all see the same world, trees, bees-everything, but in different shades. This makes for a hard struggle for existence outside the spiritual world where, in our natural state, we all, tho different, have one oject of affection. In the Spiritual world we all love Krishna, and we use our individuality to serve him. Being the all attractive personality of Godhead is an interesting concept then huh?

All of the above came as a nice realization as I read a webpage on Chinese Astrology. There are twelve animals in the zodiac and I took birth in the year of the horse. Now, thats my conditioning. Its like some rich neigbhorhood where everyone drives range rovers. So am I the same as everyone born in the year of hte horse? Nope. Similar natures, but due to overall individuality we express ourselves diferently (red rovers, black ones, silver ones, leather interiors, fur (eeww!) .)

So thats another task for a spiritualist- engaging people according to two things- their conditioning (called nature sometimes, or guna), and their Activities (karma). One becomes expert in this science by learning to connect with Krishna who is the knower of all sciences. As he says in the Bhagavad-Gita " from me comes rememberance, knowledge and forgetfulness."

The easiest way I'd recommend getting in touch wih Krishna now a day is through chanting his names. Its explained that in this age, Krishna appears in the fom of his name. For those of you who know how to chant, try chanting quietly and listen to the sound vibration. For those who have zero clue on what i just talked about, try this:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare



Monday, April 21, 2008

False Ago

O ghastly entity I created thee To assist my lordship O'er all that be
From west to east I called your name Oh lust! Oh Furtune Come! oh Fame
You hurried with all Your utter most might And at age five You gave me sight
Of all in life I could enjoy I ran deep, headfirst In your coy

But something I did not expect, From God The time Lord Architect
From you I got A bitter taste He showed me My own Life lay waste
To him I turned And swiftly ran To give my life For all its span

Still everyday You follow me As I ever push To set me free
But everyday I Thank you, Ghost For helping me
Want Krishna MOST